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De Helpify Community-blog

Resistance takes many forms

There isn't nothing you can do. Help someone.

Russia's unprovoked invasion has left many people in Ukraine helpless and many of us feeling just as helpless. While the Ukrainian government rallies troops and focuses on holding back the Russian army, we can show support and resist by helping individual people in need. A room for the night, or for a month; a meal and a shower; transport to safety for an elderly relative; a blanket. Ordinary things that people need to persevere.

In Ukraine, each person resists in their own way. Some are picking up guns and fighting. Others are holding their ground, not knowing what will happen when a Russian vehicle stops at their door. Still others are migrating away from heavy fighting or out of the country, walking or driving away from everything they have known into blind uncertainty, to protect their children and themselves. According to the BBC, by Saturday the 26th, 100'000 people had already left, and by Sunday the 27th some news agencies were reporting in excess 350'000. UN aid agencies predict a total of 5'000'000 more will go over the next few months.

We can help, right now. A group of volunteers in Switzerland, France, Belgium and Ireland along with Ukrainian family and friends have partnered with Helpify Community. Helpify Community allows people in need to be matched to people nearby who can help. This solidarity platform, used in Belgium during Covid and the 2021 floods, has been successful matching needs with offers of support. The platform is now available in Ukrainian and Polish, with other regional languages to come.

To our friends in the region: You can do something. Help someone.

Or, need help? Ask here.

To friends of Ukraine everywhere else, consider donating to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

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